Friday, 6 July 2007

Kinlochleven to Fort William- Independence Day

Devouring my cereal, with the aim of getting out of the communal dining hall as quickly as possible, I was accosted by a young man trying to offer me Iron Bru & chocolate bars. I declined, I think he was trying to lighten his load & I, stupidly, had already added to mine by buying enough fruit & cereal bars for four, in Fort William yesterday. Today on the 4th July I was meeting up with Chip, Ann & Linda, flying in from the U.S. to join me for the Great Glen Way. Back in March, when I was in America planning this trip, Chip said she'd like to come to Scotland, walk, and look up her ancestors. We'd hoped I'd keep to schedule, but just in case I didn't she was bringing two friends with her.

Feeling pleased with myself that I'd made it this far I plugged in the radio & set off with the aim of getting to the B & B in good time as I had no idea what time they'd be there.

It was a pretty boring walk, only enlivened by meeting up with Steve, the Oncologist, again. We swapped stories about our experiences since Tyndrum, when we'd last met. I'd picked the hostel for economy, he'd picked his accommodation last night for it's stunning views & spectacular location. Unfortunately the interior & the proprietors weren't either of those adjectives. He said the place didn't look like it had been decorated for years, probably because they were drinking away any profits. By 6pm they were already hitting the bottle & by 8pm she could barely stand up behind the bar. He sensibly chose to decline the cooked breakfast this morning!

Now I know a should have been admiring the views of Ben & Glen Nevis, but I'd seen enough mountains & this walk was getting tedious. I didn't even bother to walk to the finish point. It was a choice between "Footpath to Town Centre" or "To the main road, Nevis Bridge & the end of the West Highland Way" I chose the footpath.

After a late arrival, being stuck on the bus behind an accident, Chip, Ann & Linda were worn out & jet lagged. So after a quick meal in the Grog & Gruel they went for an early night. I stayed on as Allen, (one of the Kinghouse drinking party) had also made it to Fort William & joined us for a drink. It turned out he'd been at the Blackwater Hostel last night as well, but camping.


Margot said...

Congratulations on your awesome achievement so far...looking forward to hearing news that you've reached the finishing line!
Hope to have more good news from Rosebery Fundraising efforts - just got to do the sums from the Year 10 fortnight of fundraising - it was a really great time and the students were fabulous (as always!)
Best wishes from us all at Rosebery school.

Jane Hunter said...

Hi Carol,
have just about matched up your text messages with the blog now! I am impressed with your 22 mile day and glad that those first steps on the Pennine Way were such good practice for the WH and GG Ways! KBO! love Jane in Sheffield

Lex said...

way to go Carol and walkers